I am over the age of 18 and I am competent to contract in my own name.
I hereby agree to the following: OR I am the parent or legal guardian of the user and I am authorized and competent to enter into contract on behalf of the user do hereby agree to the following:
I voluntarily grant unrestricted permission to the Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts andEntertainment District Organization to use my image(s) (photographs and/or video), music,audiotapes, digital images and the like, that I have taken on behalf of the organization or that Ihave willingly uploaded to the historical photography archive owned and operated by thePennsylvania Avenue Black Arts & Entertainment District or its subsidiaries.I understand that the Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts and Entertainment District Organization andits successors have the right to exercise all rights under copyright law which includes the right toreproduce images, pictures, recordings and the like in any format.I understand that the Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts and Entertainment District Organization willhave complete ownership of the images, pictures, recordings and photographs once they areuploaded to the historical photography archive.
I expressly waive any right to inspect or approve the images in advance before use and I waive anyclaim to compensation of any kind arising from or related to the use of the image(s)(photographs and/or video), music, audiotapes, digital images and the like. I waive all rights ofprivacy that I may have under applicable Maryland or Federal Law. I expressly waive, forever discharge and covenant not to sue the Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts &Entertainment District, its directors, employees, agents or representatives from and against any allliability arising from any all claims, damages, causes of action related to the making, showing,distribution of my photographs taken by or image(s) (photographs and/or video), music,audiotapes, digital images and the like uploaded to the historical photography archive owned by thePennsylvania Avenue Black Arts & Entertainment District or its subsidiaries. I further indemnify the Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts & Entertainment District for any causes ofaction arising out this consent decree for image(s) (photographs and/or video), music, audiotapes,digital images and the like that I have willingly taken or uploaded to the historical photographyarchive for the benefit of the Pennsylvania Avenue Black Arts & Entertainment District or itssubsidiaries. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement and is governed by the laws of Maryland.
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Upon approval your post will be avalible on our digital archive. Please give post 3-5 buisness days before it appears in the archive.
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